Women In Emergencies Network: 2nd Womenitarian Summit

JOIN US ON MAY 11-12, 2023!

Women in Emergencies Network (WENet) with support from DFAT, Action Aid Australia, and the Philippine Commission on Women will hold the 2nd National Womenitarian Summit this May 11-12, 2023. The summit aims to serve as a venue to share women-led Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM), Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCAM), and humanitarian action and to influence policy decision-making bodies and humanitarian actors to promote gender-transformative and inclusive DRRM, CCAM, and humanitarian action.The summit will be held on-site at Great Eastern Hotel with an online counterpart via Zoom. To join us online, register now at https://bit.ly/3nqqWxI. After registration, you will receive a confirmation with the event details, including the Zoom link.


#WomenInEmergency #WeDareToLead #WomenitarianSummit2023

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