Previous projects




Down to Zero Project 

Plan International

2021 – 2022

Rebuilding Women’s and Children’s Lives – SHG Extension

Women Fund Asia

2021 – 2023

Women Against Gender-Based Violence

Women Fund Asia

2021 – 2023

Women Lead Y2 – TIFFANY

Care Philippines

2022 – 2022

Women Lead Y2 – SALL FDN

Care Philippines

2022 – 2022

Immediate and Comprehensive Response for Communities Affected by Typhoon Rai in the Philippines

Care Philippines

2022 – 2022

Capacitating Strategic Organizations to Strengthen the Civil Society Organization Sector (CSO2)

Save the Children Philippines

2022 – 2022

Project Tropical Storm Paeng (NALGEA) Response

ActionAid Australia

2022 – 2023

Advance Feminism in Women Rights: LGBTQ+ and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Including Fighting Hate, Misinformation, and Intolerance Especially Regarding LGBTQ+ People and Economic, Political, and Environmental Justice

JASS Just Power

2023 – 2023